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Letters to Congress from Robert J. Feitel, Inspector General, requesting congressional input for the FY24 OIG Annual Plan for U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, dated June 7, 2023
Accession Number: ML23165A138
Date Released: Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Package Contents
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- ML23165A140 - The Honorable Thomas R. Carper ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/7/2023)
- ML23165A141 - The Honorable Bill Johnson ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/7/2023)
- ML23165A142 - The Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/7/2023)
- ML23165A143 - The Honorable Diana DeGette ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/7/2023)
- ML23165A144 - The Honorable Edward Markey ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/7/2023)
- ML23165A145 - The Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr. ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/7/2023)
- ML23165A146 - The Honorable Jeff Duncan ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/7/2023)
- ML23165A147 - The Honorable Paul Tonko ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/7/2023)
- ML23165A148 - The Honorable Pete Ricketts ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/7/2023)
- ML23165A149 - The Honorable Shelley Moore Capito ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/7/2023)