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Arkansas Final Regulations to RATS IDs 2018-2, 2018-3, 2019-1 and other provisions not associated with a RATS ID (20.1003,30.4,35.2,36.83(b),37.5)
Accession Number: ML22014A363
Date Released: Friday, September 23, 2022
Package Contents
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- ML22014A390 - 01-07-2022 Letter from B. Bevill re: Arkansas Final Regulations to RATS IDs 2018-2, 2018-3, 2019-1, and other provisions not associated with a RATS ID (20.1003, 30.4, 35.2, 36.83(b), 37.7) (2 page(s), 1/7/2022)
- ML22014A400 - Arkansas Final Regulations (1051 page(s), 1/10/2022)
- ML22014A405 - 01-10-2022 Receipt of Arkansas Final Regulations to RATS IDs 2018-2, 2018-3, 2019-1, and other provisions not associated with a RATS ID (20.1003,30.4,35.2,36.83(b),37.5) (1 page(s), 1/10/2022)
- ML22020A149 - 01-20-2022 Letter to B Bevill re Arkansas Final Regulations to RATS IDs 2018-2 2018-3 2019-1 and other Provisions NAW a RATS ID (20 page(s), 1/21/2022)