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Forwards response to NRC 810831 ltr re containment purge & vent valve operability.Four oversize drawings encl.Aperture cards are available in PDR.
Accession Number: ML17341A817
Date Released: Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Package Contents
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- ML17341A816 - Forwards response to NRC 810831 ltr re containment purge & vent valve operability.Four oversize drawings encl.Aperture cards are available in PDR. (17 page(s), 1/20/1982)
- ML20260C728 - "Aux & Radwaste Bldg Ventilation Cont Purge Air Sys," as-built. (1 page(s), 8/1/1972)
- ML20260C733 - "Reactor Containment Ventilation System,Unit 3," as-built. (1 page(s), 7/3/1972)
- ML20260C737 - "Reactor containment Ventilation System,Unit 4," as-built. (1 page(s), 8/17/1973)
- ML17341A819 - "Containment Isolation/Purge Valve Analysis:48-Inch RIA Valve W/Bettis 2744A-2SR-45 Actuator." (108 page(s), 6/27/1980)
- ML17341A820 - "Containment Isolation Purge Valve Analysis:FL Power & Light Turkey Point Units 3 & 4,54-Inch RIA Valve w/Pratt 2-Plate Cylinder Operator." (118 page(s), 7/18/1980)