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Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations - Submittal of Request to Adopt Emergency Action level Scheme Pursuant to NEI 99-01, Revision 6, "Development of Emergency Action levels for Non-Passive Reactors"
Accession Number: ML17044A346
Date Released: Friday, March 10, 2017
Package Contents
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- ML17044A347 - Salem & Hope Creek Generating Stations - Submittal of Request to Adopt Emergency Action level Scheme Pursuant to NEI 99-01, Revision 6, "Development of Emergency Action levels for Non-Passive Reactors": Letter & Evaluation of Proposed Changes (Att. 1) (10 page(s), 2/13/2017)
- ML17044A349 - Attachment 2: EP-HC-325-200, Hope Creek Generating Station Event Classification Guide Emergency Action Level Technical Bases (Strike-out Version). (359 page(s), 2/13/2017)
- ML17044A350 - Attachment 3: EP-HC-325-200, Hope Creek Generating Station Emergency Action Level Technical Bases (Clean Version). (351 page(s), 2/13/2017)
- ML17044A351 - Attachment 4: Hope Creek Generating Station Emergency Action Level Matrix. (116 page(s), 2/13/2017)
- ML17044A352 - Attachment 5: Hope Creek Generating Station Emergency Action Level HC.OP-AR.ZZ-0013(Q), Overhead Annunciator Window Box D1, Rev. 27. (40 page(s), 2/13/2017)
- ML17044A353 - Attachment 6: Hope Creek Generating Station Emergency Action Level Wall Charts. (3 page(s), 2/13/2017)
- ML17044A355 - Attachment 7: Salem Generating Station Event Classification Guide Emergency Action Level, Technical Bases, EP-SA-325-200.(Strike-out version). (332 page(s), 2/13/2017)
- ML17044A356 - Attachment 8: Salem Generating Station Event Classification Guide Emergency Action Level, Technical Bases, EP-SA-325-200 (Clean version). (332 page(s), 2/13/2017)
- ML17044A357 - Attachment 9: Salem Generating Station Emergency Action Level Comparison Matrix. (119 page(s), 2/13/2017)
- ML17044A358 - Attachment 10: Salem Generating Station Emergency Action Level Supporting Documentation. (253 page(s), 2/13/2017)
- ML17044A359 - Attachment 11: Salem Generating Station Emergency Action Level Wall Charts. (3 page(s), 2/13/2017)