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LTR-16-0524 Kate Addleson, Director, Sierra Club, Virginia Chapter, Letter re: Objection to a Combined Operating License for the North Anna 3 Reactor and expresses concerns related to risks associated with earthquakes.
Accession Number: ML16307A375
Date Released: Monday, December 5, 2016
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- ML16307A374 - LTR-16-0524 Kate Addleson, Director, Sierra Club, Virginia Chapter, Letter re: Objection to a Combined Operating License for the North Anna 3 Reactor and expresses concerns related to risks associated with earthquakes. (3 page(s), 11/1/2016)
- ML16327A075 - LTR-16-0524 - Response to Kate Addleson, Director, Sierra Club, Virginia Chapter, Letter re: Objection to a Combined Operating License for the North Anna 3 Reactor. (5 page(s), 11/25/2016)