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Partial response to FOIA request for documents.Forwards App E & F documents.App E documents placed in PDR.Portions of App F documents withheld & App G documents withheld in entirety (ref FOIA Exemptions 6 & 7).
Accession Number: ML16266A160
Date Released: Saturday, November 7, 2020
Package Contents
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- ML20044C291 - Discusses Allegation 91-A-0084 re seismicity of diesel SW gauges,per Allegation Panel discussion on 910508. (7 page(s), 1/30/1992)
- ML20044C403 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910507 & 15 concerns re difference in method of performing waste gas monitor functional test between vendor technical manual & Unit 2 surveillance procedure SP 2404AG.Util response encl. (9 page(s), 12/12/1991)
- ML20044C368 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910502 & 14 concerns on wiring diagram for reactor cooling pump RTDs & inoperability of stack radiation monitor.Related info encl. (6 page(s), 5/24/1991)
- ML20044C337 - Partially deleted ltr re allegation involving facility. Related info encl. (10 page(s), 6/28/1991)
- ML20044C302 - Requests results of licensee review & disposition of Allegation RI-91-A-0093 within 30 days of ltr receipt. Related info encl. (6 page(s), 7/9/1991)
- ML20044C257 - Informs that NRC received concern from util employee on 910411 & 12 pertaining to NPDES permit.Employee questioned adequacy of station procedure for tests temp measuring instruments installed.Supporting documentation encl. (17 page(s), 7/29/1991)
- ML20044C354 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910425 allegation re electrical wiring diagram for safety-related HPSI valve motor.Util will review subj concern. (3 page(s), 6/28/1991)
- ML20044C300 - SE re compliance w/GDC 17.Unit 2 design complies w/ requirements of GDC & acceptable.Licensee should employ bus differential scheme. (11 page(s), 8/15/1991)
- ML20044C307 - Partially deleted ltr referring to two concerns re local alarm contractor not having authorized access & security personnel 15 min to respond to unauthorized access,provided to NRC on 910401.No safeguards concerns found. (19 page(s), 10/24/1991)
- ML20044C362 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910413 allegation re acceptance criteria for Gammametrics procedure & thermocouple troubleshooting.Encl consist of issues as NRC intends to characterize allegations to licensee. (6 page(s), 8/6/1991)
- ML20044C259 - Advises that both Allegations RI-91-A-070-2 & RI-91-094-2 document same issue re failure to comply w/Natl Electric Code & have 36-inch working space in front of same two panels located in Unit 2 maint shop.W/listed attachments. (16 page(s), 11/27/1991)
- ML20044C311 - Partially deleted ltr re concerns provided to NRC on 910409 alleging harassment on 1990 performance appraisal & improper QC associated w/"fitup" insp of steam generator air ejector radiation monitor housing.Addl info requested. (6 page(s), 5/17/1991)
- ML20044C365 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910430 & 0712 concerns re acceptance criteria for Gammametrics wide range nuclear instrumentation procedures & thermocouple troubleshooting. Util response to concerns encl. (9 page(s), 12/17/1991)
- ML20044C296 - Informs that author obtained record of exams & evaluations made by licensee in Allegation RI-91-A-0086.Allegation that licensee was allowing deeply penetrated crack to go back into svc not supported by results of util investigation. (29 page(s), 9/1/1991)
- ML20044C314 - Partially deleted ltr discussing allegation re inoperable reactor protection sys.Concerns unsubstantiated & documented both issues in insp rept 50-336/89-22. (29 page(s), 6/13/1990)
- ML16266A159 - Partially deleted ltr re allegation received on excessive work hours & lack of on job training & steam generator blowdown radiation monitor (RI-91-A-0046,RI-91-A-0103 & RI-91-A-0064). (1 page(s), 5/30/1991)
- ML20044B470 - Forwards SE & SALP rept re requirements of GDC 17 which do not assume single failure coincident w/accident & loss of onsite power supplies.Design complies w/requirements of GDC 17 & acceptable. (2 page(s), 8/15/1991)
- ML20044C402 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910507 concern re improper performance of functional surveillance for process radiation monitors due to differences in acceptance criteria contained in surveillance procedure SP 2402AG. (3 page(s), 6/28/1991)
- ML20044C263 - Forwards chronology between Jan 1991 & present re handling of concerns provided by individual on facility. (11 page(s), 6/7/1991)
- ML20044C312 - Partially deleted ltr informing that Region I ofc completed followup of concerns that recipient brought to NRC attention on 910409 re harassment during 1990 performance appraisal & inadequate training for technicians. (5 page(s), 10/24/1991)
- ML20044C396 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910506 concern re problems in licensee in-core instrument practices.Issue was subj of insps 89-05 & 89-13.Pertinent insp rept pages encl. (21 page(s), 8/14/1991)
- ML20044C372 - Partially deleted ltr responding to nine concerns re Unit 2. NRC considers all concerns resolved.Util responses to concerns & supporting documentation encl. (40 page(s), 11/21/1991)
- ML20044C268 - Provides response to Allegation RI-91-A-0077 re wiring diagram for HPSI pumps B & C common discharge header isolation valve found not to reflect actual plant conditions.Related info encl. (20 page(s), 8/30/1991)
- ML20044C325 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910415 allegation that operator not initiating plant incident rept after circulating water pump D tripped on 910413.Util corrective actions appropriate.Related info encl. (12 page(s), 12/13/1991)
- ML20044C389 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910506 concern re compliance w/GDC 17 for offsite power & protective relaying coordination for Unit 2.NRC taken action to inspect technical issue of GDC 17 compliance,per insp rept 91-15. (9 page(s), 8/16/1991)
- ML20044C356 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910425 concern re electrical wiring diagram for safety-related HPSI valve motor not being updated to reflect plant mod done approx 7 yrs ago.Util response & related info encl. (48 page(s), 1/7/1992)
- ML20044C318 - Partially deleted ltr responding to concerns provided to NRC on 910411 & 12,asserting that surveillance procedure SP-2404AH does not establish purge path.Concerns unsubstantiated. (8 page(s), 1/14/1992)
- ML20044C324 - Partially deleted ltr responding to 910507 allegation that compliance w/NEC requirements for spacing & cleanliness not being met for electrical panels located in electrical maint shop at Unit 2.OSHA citation on subj issue encl. (9 page(s), 12/5/1991)
- ML20044C271 - Submits response to Issues 5 & 6 re procedure discrepancies between OP-2336E & SP-2617A for restoration of line-up of radiation monitor & associated sample pump,per Allegation RI-91-A-0082.Related info encl. (15 page(s), 9/23/1991)
- ML20044C364 - Partially deleted ltr forwarding list of concerns,per 911010 request.Recipient will be receiving closeout ltrs for concerns. (1 page(s), 10/24/1991)