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RAIs for Topical Report BAW-10247PA, Revision 0, Supplement 1P, Revision 0, "Realistic Thermal-Mechanical Fuel Rod Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors Supplement 1: Qualification of RODEX4 for Recrystallized Zircoloy-2 Cladding."
Accession Number: ML15365A153
Date Released: Monday, April 4, 2016
Package Contents
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- ML15365A190 - Transmittal of RAIs for Topical Report BAW-10247PA, Revision 0, Supplement 1P, Revision 0, "Realistic Thermal-Mechanical Fuel Rod Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors Supplement 1: Qualification of RODEX4 for Recrystallized Zircoloy-2 Cladding." (3 page(s), 3/25/2016)
- ML15365A195 - RAI for Topical Report BAW-10247PA, Revision 0, Supplement 1P, Revision 0, "Realistic Thermal-Mechanical Fuel Rod Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors Supplement 1: Qualification of RODEX4 for Recrystallized Zircoloy-2 Cladding". (1 page(s), 3/25/2016)