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Workshop Presentation/Speaker List - Advanced Non-Light Water Reactors - September 1-2, 2015.
Accession Number: ML15245A637
Date Released: Friday, September 4, 2015
Package Contents
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- ML15245A685 - DOE Roles and Responsibilities: Reactor Authorization. (4 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A690 - A Common Understanding of Terminology. (12 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A650 - NRC Advanced Non-LWR Licensing Experience. (11 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A654 - NGNP Project Experience. (14 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A643 - Previous Experience "Licensing/Authorizing" Non-LWRs in the US- How it was Done and Who Did What. (10 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A639 - NRC's Mission Role. (12 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A744 - Existing NRC Regulations, Policies, and Guidance for Licensing. (16 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A755 - Role of and Path to Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies. (8 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A749 - Activities to Support Advanced Reactor Development. (9 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A753 - Utility Interest in SMR's TVA's Perspective. (8 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A750 - Future of Nuclear Power in the United States. (13 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15245A762 - Joint DOE-NRC Advanced Reactor Licensing Initiative-DOE. (10 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15247A016 - Joint NRC-DOE Advanced Reactor Licensing Initiative-NRC. (5 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15247A017 - Policy Activities That May Affect Non-Light Water Reactors. (12 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15247A020 - X-Energy - NRC-DOE Workshop on Advanced Non-LWRs. (7 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15247A030 - Nuclear Innovation in America - An Investors View. (16 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15247A034 - EM2 Gaps and Critical Needs. (8 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15247A038 - Technology and Process Innovation in Advanced Reactors. (15 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15247A036 - Advanced Reactor Concepts. (9 page(s), 9/1/2015)
- ML15247A044 - Gaps and Critical Needs in the Commercialization of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology. (15 page(s), 9/1/2015)