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NUREG-0800 SRP - Chapter 11, 2015 Revision.
Accession Number: ML15015A383
Date Released: Friday, March 4, 2016
Package Contents
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- ML15029A230 - Transmittal Memo - FRN for Draft SRP Revisions to Radioactive Waste Management. (2 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15027A198 - Branch Technical Position 11-3, Design Guidance For Solid Radioactive Waste Management Systems Installed in LWRs, Rev 4. (12 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15027A302 - BTP 11-5, Postulated Radioactive Releases Due to a Waste Gas System Leak or Failure, Rev 4. (14 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15027A401 - BTP 11-6, Postulated Radioactive Releases Due to Liquid-Containing Tank Failures, Rev 4. (30 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15029A022 - SRP Section 11.1, Coolant Source Terms, Rev 4. (23 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15029A032 - SRP Section 11.2, Liquid Waste Management System, Rev 5. (46 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15029A039 - NUREG-0800, "Standard Review Plan Section 11.3, Gaseous Waste Management System, Rev 4. (46 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15029A174 - SRP Section 11.4, Solid Waste Management System, Rev 4. (70 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15029A182 - SRP Section 11.5, Process and Effluent Radiological Monitoring Instrumentation and Sampling Systems, Rev 6.docx (67 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15027A511 - FRN - SRP Chapter 11, Radioactive Waste Management. (8 page(s), 1/8/2016)
- ML15033A417 - Response to Public Comments on Draft SRP Chapter 11, Radioactive Waste Management. (23 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15035A134 - Standard Review Plan 11.1 Redline. (23 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15035A169 - NUREG-0800, "Standard Review Plan 11.2 Redline. (46 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15035A614 - Standard Review Plan 11.3 Redline. (46 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15035A627 - Standard Review Plan 11.4 Redline. (71 page(s), 12/23/2015)
- ML15036A024 - SRP 11.5 Redline.docx (67 page(s), 12/23/2015)