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Ltr R J McCullum, Nuclear Energy Institute, 2nd Interim Response to the September NEI Submittal: "Guidelines for 10 CFR 72.48 Implementation, " Revision 0.
Accession Number: ML14349A318
Date Released: Thursday, December 18, 2014
Package Contents
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- ML14349A402 - Ltr R J McCullum, Nuclear Energy Institute, 2nd Interim Response to the September NEI Submittal: "Guidelines for 10 CFR 72.48 Implementation," Revision 0. (3 page(s), 12/11/2014)
- ML14349A404 - Encl 1 (NRC Staff Position ...) to Ltr R J McCullum, Nuclear Energy Institute, 2nd Interim Response to the September NEI Submittal: "Guidelines for 10 CFR 72.48 Implementation," Revision 0. (2 page(s), 12/11/2014)
- ML14349A406 - Encl 2 (Mark-up of NEI 12-4, Rev. 0) to Ltr R J McCullum, Nuclear Energy Institute, 2nd Interim Response to the September NEI Submittal: "Guidelines for 10 CFR 72.48 Implementation," Revision 0. (92 page(s), 8/31/2012)