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Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Transmittal of Revised Exhibits in the Matter of Indian Point, Units 2 and 3.
Accession Number: ML12283A455
Date Released: Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Package Contents
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- ML12283A456 - Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Transmittal of Revised Exhibits in the Matter of Indian Point, Units 2 and 3. (3 page(s), 10/9/2012)
- ML12283A457 - Entergy Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit ENTR20373 "Testimony of Entergy Witnesses Alan Cox, Ted Ivy, Nelson Azevedo, Robert Lee, Stephen Biagiotti, And Jon Cavallo Concerning Contention NYS-5 (Buried Piping And Tanks)". (123 page(s), 10/9/2012)
- ML12283A458 - Entergy Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit ENTR60001, "Entergy Hearing Exhibit List ("ENT Exhibit List")". (59 page(s), 10/9/2012)