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08-01738-02 575945 Department of the Army (EA)
Accession Number: ML112500223
Date Released: Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Package Contents
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- ML112500236 - Department of the Army, Environmental Assessment Ltr. Dated 08/25/2011. (5 page(s), 8/25/2011)
- ML112980445 - NNMC E-mail dtd 10/18/2011, Subj: WRAMC Decommissioning (Main Post) Follow-Up Information with Attachments. (11 page(s), 10/18/2011)
- ML120461135 - R. Lorson Memo Re: Response to Technical Assistance Request Dated September 19, 2011, for Walter Reed Army Medical Center. (4 page(s), 2/27/2012)
- ML120650167 - Department of the Army, Telephone Conversation Record, dtd 3/2/12, RE: RAI, DORF Actions, Control No. 575945. (1 page(s), 3/2/2012)
- ML120750531 - Department of the Army, E-mail dated 03/01/2012, Received in LAT 03/15/2012, Re: Draft of E-mail to LTC Fota Regarding Walter Reed License Issue. (3 page(s), 3/1/2012)
- ML12076A052 - Department of the Army, Additional Information Ltr. Dated 03/06/2012. (1 page(s), 3/6/2012)
- ML13109A064 - Department of the Army, Telephone Conversation Record, dtd 4/18/2013, RE: Request to Void Action, Control No. 575945. (1 page(s), 4/18/2013)
- ML13122A308 - Department of the Army, Voidance of Application for License Amendment, Control No. 575945. (2 page(s), 4/29/2013)