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2009/11/23-Exhibit 49-FirstEnergy Acquires Rights to Norton Energy Storage Project.
Accession Number: ML103620048
Date Released: Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Package Contents
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- ML103620057 - 2009/11/23-Exhibit 49 - FirstEnergy Acquires Rights to Norton Energy Storage Project. (4 page(s), 11/23/2009)
- ML103620051 - 2010/12/28-Exhibit 48-By 2050 Solar Power Could End U.S. Dependence on Foreign Oil and Slash Greenhouse Gas Emissions. (10 page(s), 12/28/2010)
- ML103620049 - 2010/12/18-Exhibit 50-The Case for Replacing Davis Besse With Efficiency Improvements and Renewable Energy Sources. (8 page(s), 12/18/2010)
- ML103620052 - 2009/01/30-Exhibit 51-Job Creation per $1 Million Investment. (1 page(s), 1/30/2009)
- ML103620056 - 2010/12/28-Exhibit 52-How Infrastructure Investments Support the U.S. Economy: Employment, Productivity and Growth. (65 page(s), 1/31/2009)
- ML103620054 - 2009/11/23-Exhibit 54-FirstEnergy Acquires Rights to Norton Energy Storage Project. (4 page(s), 11/23/2009)
- ML103620053 - 2010/12/28-Exhibit 55-World PV Module Production (MW) - Data from PV News April of Each Year (1988 - 2009). (1 page(s), 12/28/2010)
- ML103620055 - 2007/03/22-Exhibit 56-Solar Electricity: Working in Ohio. (35 page(s), 3/22/2007)
- ML103620050 - 2010/12/27-Exhibit 57-Stephen O'Rourke - PV Status and Pathways. (2 page(s), 12/27/2010)