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Saltstone Monitoring.
Accession Number: ML083400049
Date Released: Thursday, June 18, 2009
Package Contents
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- ML091690334 - Note to File Regarding Package ML083400049 has been added with a date of June 18, 2009 therefore, attachments to the package should be added with document dates of June 18, 2009. (1 page(s), 6/18/2009)
- ML083400046 - Email Dated 11/25/2008 from S. Ross, DOE-SR, to D. Brown, Re: Saltstone Monitoring. (2 page(s), 11/25/2008)
- ML083400050 - SRS Salt Waste Disposal Documents (Revised) and Associated Anticipated Availability Dates. (1 page(s), 11/25/2008)
- ML083400055 - WSRC-STI-2008-00236, "Thermodynamic and Mass Balance Analysis of Expansive Phase Precipitation in Saltstone." (27 page(s), 5/31/2008)
- ML083400060 - WSRC-TR-2008-00090, Rev. 0, "Saltstone Vault #2 Interior Lining Review (U)." (63 page(s), 5/31/2008)
- ML083400065 - SED-GTE-2008-002, Review of the Tan Clay Confining Zone Beneath Z Area. (38 page(s), 2/29/2008)
- ML083400069 - WSRC-STI-2008-00244, "Saltstone Disposal Facility Closure CAP Concept and Infiltration Estimates." (340 page(s), 5/31/2008)