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05/06 & 05/13/2008, Public Meeting Summary and Handouts Package.
Accession Number: ML081370368
Date Released: Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Package Contents
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- ML081370136 - 05/06/2008 & 05/13/2008 Summary of Public Meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute, Industry to Discuss ITAAC Closure and Assessment and Enforcement for New Reactors. (7 page(s), 5/20/2008)
- ML081020014 - 05/06/2008- Notice of Public Meeting, to Participate and Discuss Regulatory Issues with the Agency at Designated Points During the Meeting. (6 page(s), 4/14/2008)
- ML081140244 - 05/13/2008 Notice of Public Meeting to Continue Discussions of ITAAC Closure Notification Process and Continue Discussions on Construction Inspection Assessment and Enforcement Program. (8 page(s), 4/23/2008)
- ML081370142 - NRC- Meeting Handouts on Modular Construction - May 13, 2008. (70 page(s), 5/13/2008)
- ML081370147 - Meeting Handouts - Modular Construction and ITAAC. (15 page(s), 5/20/2008)
- ML081370204 - Design Acceptance Criteria for Digital Instrumentations & Controls - Summer Workshop. (8 page(s), 5/13/2008)
- ML081370268 - 225 Day - Notification of Status of AP1000 ITAAC 2.2.2-3 Item 7.b.i Passive Containment Cooling System Water Distribution. (1 page(s), 5/20/2008)
- ML081370290 - 225 Day - Notification of Uncompleted ABWR ITAAC 2.1.1d Item 3. (3 page(s), 5/20/2008)
- ML081370312 - 225 Day - Notification of Uncompleted ABWR ITAAC 2.14.4a Item 4a. (2 page(s), 5/20/2008)
- ML081370350 - ITAAC Closure Letter Completion of ABWR ITAAC 2.3.3 Item 3. (4 page(s), 5/20/2008)