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52-25486-01 Hospital San Carlos Imaging Center - Bankruptcy.
Accession Number: ML081140815
Date Released: Friday, September 26, 2008
Package Contents
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- ML060610810 - Hospital San Carlos Imaging Center, Notification Letter Dated 02/15/2006. Requests Inactivation of License No. 52-25486-01 & Transfer of Radioactive Material. (3 page(s), 2/15/2006)
- ML061370344 - Hospital San Carlos Imaging Center, Facility Bankruptcy and Request for Standby License, Control No. 138452, and NRC Inspection No. 03035219-06-001 (4 page(s), 5/17/2006)
- ML061010582 - Hospital General San Carlos, Bankruptcy Notification dtd 07/03/2003. (1 page(s), 7/3/2003)
- ML073650001 - Order of Revoking License Hospital San Carlos Imaging Center License, Docket No. 030-35219, License No. 52-25486-01. (14 page(s), 12/28/2007)
- ML080780235 - Final Action - Order Revoking License No. 52-25486-01. (3 page(s), 3/18/2008)
- ML081160455 - Memorandum RE: Final Action - Order Revoking License No. 52-25486-01, Hospital San Carlos Imaging Center. (3 page(s), 4/24/2008)
- ML082670255 - Hospital San Carlos Imaging Center, License Termination Amendment 3, Control No. 142806. (1 page(s), 9/18/2008)