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11/9/05 Ltr S Quennoz, Portland General Electric Co, re SNM-2509, Amendment 5, Exemption and Conforming License Amendment for the Trojan ISFSI, Docket 72-17, TACs L23878, L23879.
Accession Number: ML053180561
Date Released: Friday, November 18, 2005
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- ML053180563 - 11/9/05 Ltr S Quennoz, Portland General Electric Co, re SNM-2509, Amendment 5, Exemption and Conforming License Amendment for the Trojan ISFSI, Docket 72-17, TACs L23878, L23879. (8 page(s), 11/9/2005)
- ML053180564 - Materials License No. SNM-2509, Amendment 5, Exemption and Conforming License Amendment for the Trojan ISFSI, Docket 72-17, TACs L23878, L23879. (2 page(s), 11/9/2005)
- ML053180565 - Technical Specifications to Materials License No. SNM-2509, Amendment 5, Exemption and Conforming License Amendment for the Trojan ISFSI, Docket 72-17, TACs L23878, L23879. (2 page(s), 11/9/2005)
- ML053180566 - Federal Register Notice of Issuance of Amendment to Materials License SNM-2509. (4 page(s), 11/9/2005)