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Transmittal of Presentation Materials for PBMR Pre-application Planning Meeting No. 2 on September 21-22, 2005.
Accession Number: ML052660227
Date Released: Friday, September 23, 2005
Package Contents
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- ML052660205 - Transmittal of Presentation Materials for PBMR Pre-application Planning Meeting No. 2 on September 21-22, 2005. (1 page(s), 9/14/2005)
- ML052580327 - PBMR Design Certification Pre-Application Planning Meeting. (8 page(s), 9/21/2005)
- ML052580330 - PBMR Safety Design. (19 page(s), 9/21/2005)
- ML052580335 - Planning for pre-application focus topic: Selection of Licensing Basis Events & PRA. (33 page(s), 9/21/2005)
- ML052580336 - Planning for pre-app focus topic: SSC Safety Classification & Defense-in-depth. (48 page(s), 9/21/2005)
- ML052580337 - Physical Security. (11 page(s), 9/22/2005)
- ML052580339 - Materials Selection High Temperature Metallic Materials. (19 page(s), 9/22/2005)
- ML052580342 - Materials Selection: Carbon Based & Ceramic HT Matls in PBMR Core Structures. (18 page(s), 9/21/2005)
- ML052580346 - Codes & Standards. (23 page(s), 9/22/2005)
- ML052580360 - PBMR Fuel Design & Qualification. (49 page(s), 9/22/2005)
- ML052580365 - Computer Code Data & Evaluation Model V&V. (46 page(s), 8/22/2005)
- ML052580375 - Single vs Multi-module design certification. (16 page(s), 9/21/2005)
- ML052580381 - Conclusions & Next Steps. (5 page(s), 9/22/2005)