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SECY-03-0227 - Review Standard RS-002, "Processing Applications for Early Site Permits"
Accession Number: ML032340334
Date Released: Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Package Contents
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- ML032380167 - SECY-03-0227 - Review Standard RS-002, "Processing Applications for Early Site Permits" (4 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380207 - RS-002, "Processing Applications for Early Site Permits" (21 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380217 - Attachment 1 - ESP Review Process (2 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380229 - Attachment 2 - Early Site Permit Scope and Associated Review Criteria for Site Safety Assessment (4 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380345 - 2.1.1 - Site Location and Description (4 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380363 - 2.1.2 - Exclusion Area Authority and Control (5 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380366 - 2.1.3 - Population Distribution (5 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380374 - 2.2.1-2.2.2 - Identification of Potential Hazards in Site Vicinity (5 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380380 - 2.2.3 - Evaluation of Potential Accidents (4 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380391 - 2.3.1 - Regional Climatology (5 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380398 - 2.3.2 - Local Meteorology (5 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380410 - 2.3.3 - Onsite Meteorological Measurements Program (10 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380418 - 2.3.4 - Short-Term (Accident) Dispersion Estimates (7 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380431 - 2.3.5 - Long-Term Diffusion Estimates (7 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380438 - 2.4.1 - Hydrologic Description (6 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380452 - 2.4.2 - Floods (7 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380460 - 2.4.3 - Probable Maximum Flood on Streams and Rivers (6 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380467 - 2.4.4 - Potential Dam Failures (8 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380472 - 2.4.5 - Probable Maximum Surge and Seiche Flooding (8 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380475 - 2.4.6 - Probable Maximum Tsunami Flooding (6 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380480 - 2.4.7 - Ice Effects (6 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380484 - 2.4.9 - Channel Diversions (4 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380490 - 2.4.11 - Low Water Considerations (9 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380497 - 2.4.12 - Groundwater (12 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380501 - 2.4.13 - Accidental Releases of Liquid Effluents (6 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380513 - 2.5.4 - Stability of Subsurface Materials and Foundations (17 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380517 - 2.5.5 - Stability of Slopes (12 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380528 - - Aircraft Hazards (7 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380542 - 13.3 - Emergency Planning (8 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380550 - 15.0 - Radiological Consequences of Design Basis Accidents (8 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380566 - 17.1.1 - Early Site Permit Quality Assurance Controls (23 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380574 - Attachment 3 - Early Site Permit Scope and Review Criteria for Environmental Reports (15 page(s), 12/31/2003)
- ML032380583 - Attachment 4 - Safety Evaluation Report Templates (15 page(s), 12/31/2003)