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03/05/2002 - Meeting Notice, Re: Summary of Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute on High Burnup Fuel Issues and Cask Vulnerability
Accession Number: ML020660450
Date Released: Thursday, March 14, 2002
Package Contents
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- ML020450457 - 03/05/2002 - Meeting w/NEI/EPRI (Nuclear Energy Institute/Electric Power Research Institute) re SFPO staff feedback on third EPRI technical report on high burnup, presentation of NEI data on high burnup & SFPO research on cask capability. (1 page(s), 2/14/2002)
- ML020660473 - 03/06/02 - Memo to C. Miller, NMSS/SFPO, Re: Summary of Meeting with Nuclear Energy Institute on High Burnup Fuel Issues and Cask Vulnerability Studies (7 page(s), 3/6/2002)
- ML020700034 - Attachments 2, 3, 4, and 5 - NRC Slides, EPRI Slides, and NEI Slides (S104467) (71 page(s), 3/5/2002)