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Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Submittal of Changes to Technical Specifications Bases.
Accession Number: ML011200194
Date Released: Tuesday, May 8, 2001
Package Contents
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- ML011200052 - Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Submittal of Changes to Technical Specifications Bases. (181 page(s), 4/24/2001)
- ML011200099 - B 3.3 Instrumentation, B Anticipated Transient Without Scram Recirculation Pump Trip (ATWS-RPT) Instrumentation. (133 page(s), 4/24/2001)
- ML011200120 - Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Improved Technical Specifications (Unit #2 Bases). (177 page(s), 4/24/2001)
- ML011200135 - B 3.7 Plant Systems B 3.7.1 High Pressure Service Water (HPSW) System. (190 page(s), 4/24/2001)
- ML011200145 - Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Improved Technical Specifications (Unit #3 Bases). (173 page(s), 4/24/2001)
- ML011200156 - B 3.3 Instrumentation B Remote Shutdown System. (139 page(s), 4/24/2001)
- ML011200170 - Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Improved Technical Specifications (Units # 3 Bases). (185 page(s), 4/24/2001)
- ML011200189 - B 3.7 Plant Systems, B 3.7.2 Emergency Service Water (ESW) System and Normal Heat Sink. (185 page(s), 4/24/2001)