ACRS Meeting on the Ad Hoc Subcommittee On Differing Professional Opinion Issues - OCTOBER 10-14, 2000

OCTOBER 10-14, 2000

ACRS Contact: Undine Shoop - 301-415-8086 or Email: (


October 10, 2000
1. Opening Remarks Dr. Powers, Chair 1:00-1:30 pm
2. Approach for Reviewing the DPO Issues Dr. Powers, Chair 1:30-5:00 pm
  **RECESS**   5:00 pm

October 11, 2000
3. Opening Remarks Dr. Powers, Chair 8:30-8:45 am
4. Presentation Dr. Hopenfeld and Mr. Spence  
  A. Introductory Remarks   8:45-9:30 am
  **BREAK**   9:30-9:45 am
  B. Background Information   9:45-10:30 am
  C. NDE, Voltage versus Leakage Correlations, and Scaling Techniques   10:30-11:30am
  **LUNCH**   11:30-12:30 pm
5. Presentation Dr. Hopenfeld and Mr. Spence  
  A. Tube Damage from Jet Erosion and Interactions between the Tube and Tube
Support Plate
  12:30-1:30 pm
  B. Risk Increase - Design Basis and Severe Accidents   1:30-2:50 pm
  **BREAK**   2:50-3:05 pm
  C. Iodine Spiking   3:05-3:35 pm
  D. Reviews of Licensee Submittals   3:35-4:50 pm
  **BREAK**   4:50-5:05 pm
  E. Summary   5:05-5:30 pm
6. Discussion Among Subcommittee Members   5:30-7:00 pm
  **RECESS**   7:00 pm

October 12, 2000
7. Opening Remarks Dr. Powers, Chair 8:30-8:45 am
8. Introduction Jack Strosnider 8:45-9:00 am
9. Iodine Spiking Jack Hayes 9:00-10:45 am
  A. Phenomenology    
  B. Data analyses used in support of conclusions    
  C. Extrapolation of data for steam generator tube rupture events to main
steam line break events
  D. Uncertainty distribution of dose calculations as functions of iodine spiking coefficient    
  **BREAK**   10:45-11:00 am
10. Limitations of NDE methods and Cracking Phenomena Ken Karwoski  
  A. Current Regulatory Framework   11:00-12:00 pm
  B. Observed cracks    
    1. Near tube support plate; extension of cracks above and below support plate    
    2. Free span    
    3. Others    
  C. Experience with US and foreign tube rupture events and damage propagation    
  **LUNCH**   12:00-1:00 pm
  D. Ability of NDE methods to detect cracks versus:   1:00-3:00 pm
    1. Crack orientation (axial versus circumferential)
2. Isolated cracks versus cracks in clusters
3. Plugged cracks or cracks occluded with crud
4. Crack location relative to support plates, bends,defects like dents, etc.
5. Operation methods such as probe speed
  E. Ability of NDE methods to size cracks (both length and depth) considering variables listed above    
  F. Correlation of NDE results with:    
    1. Destructive examination results for pulled tubes
2. Tube leakage
3. Effects of tube unplugging and crack growth because of accident phenomena
  **BREAK**   3:00-3:15 pm
  G. Ability to predict crack growth:   3:15-3:45 pm
    1. From laboratory studies, and why these are applicable in light of vibrations induced by blowdown, etc.
2. From NDE results before the start of a cycle
3. Data base breath
11. Damage Propagation Part 1 Joe Muscara and Steve Arndt  
  A. Jet cutting by:   3:45-5:15 pm
    1. Isolated or free span cracks
2. Cracks partially occluded by tube support plate
3. Effects of aerosol particles and water droplets
4. Technical basis of the critical size for cracks that can jet cut adjacent tubes
  **BREAK**   5:15-5:30 pm
12. Discussion Among Subcommittee Members   5:30-7:00 pm
  **RECESS**   7:00 pm

October 13, 2000
13. Opening Remarks Dr. Powers, Chair 8:30-8:45 am
14. Damage Propagation Part 2 Joe Muscara with Contractor Support  
  A. Crack growth:   8:45-9:45 am
    1.Result of design basis accident phenomena
2. Result of severe accident phenomena
  B. Crack unplugging    
  **BREAK**   9:45-10:00 am
15. Accidents   10:00-12:00 pm
  A. Design basis accidents    
    1. Ability of T-H codes to predict relevant phenomena including sympathetic vibrations of tubes during off-normal events Joe Donoghue  
    2. Justification for equilibrium between ECCS injection and leakage Steve Long  
    3. Reliability of key operator actions Ann Ramey-Smith  
    4. Tolerance for the number of tubes ruptured leakage Joe Donoghue  
    5. Leakage during past plant events Joe Donoghue  
  **LUNCH**   12:00-1:00 pm
  B. Severe accidents   1:00-3:00 pm
    1. Station blackout accidents Steve Long  
    2. Steam generator tube rupture initiated accidents Steve Long  
    3. Accidents initiated by other means that evolve to steam generator tube ruptures Steve Long and Gareth Parry  
    4. Modeling mixing in the inlet plenum and the effects of leakage Charlie Tinkler  
      a. Validity of models    
      b. Applicability of the available data    
      c. Fission product deposition in tubes and in secondary    
      d. Results of JAERI analyses    
  **BREAK**   3:00-3:15 pm
    5. Risk assessment   3:15-4:45 pm
    a. Risk metrics Steve Long  
    b. Human reliability analysis Gareth Parry  
    c. Uncertainty in risk assessments as functions of NDE capabilities, predictive capabilities, damage propagation, etc. Steve Long  
  **BREAK**   4:45-5:00 pm
16. Integrated Decision Making Steve Long 5:00-6:00 pm
  A. Process and Intent    
  A. Examples of application to steam generator amendment requests    
17. Summary Jack Strosnider 6:00-6:15 pm
18. Comments Consultants 6:15-7:00 pm
  **RECESS**   7:00 pm

October 14, 2000
19. Opening Remarks Dr. Powers, Chair 8:30-8:45 am
20. Discussion of DPO Technical Issues   8:45-1:00 pm

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, July 13, 2020