The electronic document database, ADAMS, provides access to a wide range technical reports, regulatory filings, safety evaluations, inspection records, licensing documents, and correspondence related to nuclear safety and regulation. ADAMS is a key tool for transparency and pu...
ADAMS PUBLIC is no longer in use. Please redirect your bookmarks to Web-based ADAMS (WBA) to search for documents in the ADAMS Public Library (PARS) and citations in the ADAMS Public Legacy Library (PLL).
(View Larger Image)Who:Holtec InternationalWhat:Application for a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear FuelWhen:March 31, 2017Where:Lea County, NMDocket:72-1051For additional detail, see the following related pages:Application DocumentsRequests for Supplemen...
On the pageOverviewContactsOverviewThe U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has a policy of encouraging early discussions (prior to submission of a license application) with potential applicants (such as utilities and reactor designers) to offer licensing guidance and to i...
May 11, 2012On May 11, 2012, the NRC will deploy the latest release of the Electronic Hearing Docket (EHD) and Web-based ADAMS (WBA) applications. This minor release will provide the ability to display the Microform field column when browsing WBA. This release will also allow ...
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Web-based ADAMSWeb-based ADAMS (WBA) is available 7 days a week, with the following exceptions:Scheduled maintenance periods (between 6:00 p.m. ET on Friday and 6:00 a.m. ET on Saturday)Unscheduled maintenance when announced on the ADAMS Public Documents WBA page.
In addition to the Frequently Asked Questions About ADAMS, the following resources are available on this page:References for Web-based ADAMS (WBA) Public Document Room AssistanceLists of Licenses and Docket NumbersReferences for Web-based ADAMS (WBA)WBA User Guide - detailed i...
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has an ADAMS User Group for interested members of the public who regularly use the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS). In addition to learning about new releases and upgrades of the ADAMS software, the User Group&n...
The Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) is the official recordkeeping system, through which the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) provides access to the following "libraries" or collections of publicly available documents:The Publicly Ava...
Documents added in 2004V = Volume | N = Number | R =Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATIONNUMBERTITLEDATE OFPUBLICATIONADAMSACCESSIONNUMBERNUREG-1805Fire Dynamics Tools (FDTs) Quantitative Fire ...
Documents added in 1998V = Volume | N = Number | R =Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATION
R3Citizen's G...
Documents added in 2013V = Volume | N = Number | R =Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATIONNUMBERTITLEDATE OFPUBLICATIONADAMSACCESSIONNUMBERNUREG/IA-0435Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.3 and TRACE V5.0...
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) considers public involvement in, and information about, our activities to be a cornerstone of strong, fair regulation of the nuclear industry. As such, the NRC believes that nuclear regulation should be transacted as openly and cand...
Documents added in 1999V = Volume | N = Number | R =Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATIONNUMBERTITLEDATE OFPUBLICATIONADAMSACCESSIONNUMBERNUREG-0980V1 N5Nuclear Regulatory Legislation 105th Con...
Documents added in 2017V = Volume | N = Number | R =Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATIONNUMBERTITLEDATE OFPUBLICATIONADAMSACCESSIONNUMBERNUREG-2222Disposition of Public Comments on the Draft S...
August 14, 2002EA-02-161Adams Construction Company ATTN: Mr. Ron R. Robson Safety Director P.O. Box 12627 Roanoke, Virginia 24027SUBJECT:NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NRC INSPECTION REPORT NO. 45-17887-01/02-01)Dear Mr. Robson: This refers to the inspection conducted by this office on ...
Documents added in 2015V = Volume | N = Number | R =Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATIONNUMBERTITLEDATE OFPUBLICATIONADAMSACCESSIONNUMBERNUREG/IA-0461TRAC-BF1 to TRACE Model Semi-Automatic Con...
Reports or brochures on regulatory decisions, results of research, results of incident investigations, and other technical and administrative information.2000s:| 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | ...
Documents added in 2025V = Volume | N = Number | R = Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATION
NUMBERNUREG-1830, V21Office of Investiga...
Documents added in 2023V = Volume | N = Number | R = Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATION
NUMBERNUREG-1437, S7a, DFCSite-Specific ...
Documents added in 2011V = Volume | N = Number | R =Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATIONNUMBERTITLEDATE OFPUBLICATIONADAMSACCESSIONNUMBERNUREG/CR-7028 V1Engineered Covers for Waste Containment...
Documents added in 1997V = Volume | N = Number | R =Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATION
V1Generic Environmen...
Documents added in 2022V = Volume | N = Number | R = Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATION
NUMBERNUREG/CR-7262State-of-the-Art Reac...
Documents added in 2021V = Volume | N = Number | R = Revision | P = Part | S = Supplement | Ch = Chapter | Add = Addendum | Sec = Section | DFC = Draft For CommentPUBLICATION
NUMBERNUREG/KM-0017Seismic Hazard Evalua...