The United States of America National Report for the Convention on Nuclear Safety: September 2001 (with Addendum 1, April 2002) (NUREG-1650, Initial Report)
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Publication Information
Manuscript Completed (Initial Report): September 2001
Date Published (Initial Report): September 2001
Manuscript Completed (Addendum 1): April 2002
Date Published (Addendum 1): April 2002
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
Availability Notice
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has updated the U.S. National Report for the Convention on Nuclear Safety. This report will be submitted for peer review at the second review meeting of the Convention on Nuclear Safety at the International Atomic Energy Agency in April 2002. The scope of the report is limited to the safety of land-based civil nuclear power plants. The report demonstrates how the U.S. Government meets the main objective of the Convention -- to achieve and maintain a high level of nuclear safety worldwide. The report also shows that the U.S. Government meets the obligations of each of the articles established by the Convention. Specifically, these articles address the safety of existing nuclear installations, the legislative and regulatory framework, the regulatory body, responsibility of the licensee, priority to safety, financial and human resources, human factors, quality assurance, assessment and verification of safety, radiation protection, emergency preparedness, siting, design, construction, and operation.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 24, 2021