ROP Historical Performance from Previous Quarters

ROP Historical Performance from Previous Quarters

Below are links to historical snapshots of plant performance from previous quarters as displayed on the web since the inception of the Reactor Oversight Process. Plant performance summaries, inspection findings, and performance indicators from previous quarters are available for each individual plant. Comprehensive summaries are also available, including the Action Matrix Summaries, Inspection Finding Summaries, and Performance Indicator Summaries from each of the previous quarters, where available. See footnote for more details.


In general, these snapshots represent the plant performance known (and displayed on the web) at the close of the quarter noted, and do not reflect any changes in plant performance discovered after the snapshot was taken. However, the quarters prior to 4Q2001 were recreated in March 2002 based on current information and may not reflect a true "snapshot" of the web page that was displayed during the noted quarter. These snapshots are just that; snapshots (pdf files) of plant performance as opposed to active web pages (html) with hyperlinks so the user cannot drill down into more detailed information (i.e., inspection reports). In addition, a two year history of detailed inspection findings and performance indicators are maintained and available on the current Reactor Oversight Process pages are complete listings of and hyperlinks to all ROP-related inspection reports and assessment reports.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, January 13, 2022