Westinghouse AP300
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Project Overview
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is currently engaged in pre-application activities with WEC regarding a design certification application for the Westinghouse AP300 SMR. The AP300 SMR is a 300 MWe class, Generation III+, one-loop PWR based on AP1000® reactor proven components, technology, and licensing basis.
Additional information on pre-application activities can be obtained from ADAMS using a search by docket number 99902111.

Regulatory Engagement Plan
On February 29, 2024, WEC submitted a non-proprietary periodic update to their regulatory engagement plan. The table below will give members of the public an opportunity to stay informed on WEC’s latest licensing plans.

White Papers
The below table provides the white papers that WEC has submitted for the NRC staff to review. This table will be updated to include all white papers submitted along with the feedback letter.
