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DOE RSI Response for ES-3100
Accession Number: ML24164A259
Date Released: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Package Contents
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- ML24164A260 - 1. DOE Letter providing RSI response ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 4/17/2024)
- ML24164A261 - 2. Design Analysis and Calculation "Thermal Analysis of the ES-3100 Package for NCT and HAC" ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 2/20/2024)
- ML24164A262 - 3. Design Analysis and Calculation "ASME Code Subsections NB and WB Stress Analysis for ES-3100 Containment Vessel" ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 4/14/2011)
- ML24164A263 - 4. Design Analysis and Calculation "Stress Analysis of ES-3100 Containment Vessel with Viton O-rings" ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 5/23/2012)
- ML24164A264 - 5. Design Analysis and Calculation "Impact Analysis of ES-3100 Design Concepts Using Borobond" - Redacted ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 8/17/2004)
- ML24164A265 - 6. Design Analysis and Calculation "Impact Analysis of ES-3100 Design Concepts Using HABC" ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 2/25/2005)
- ML24164A267 - 7. Email from Paul A. Bales. Pregarding "Coefficient of thermal expansion for Kaolite 1600" ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 12/9/2004)
- ML24164A268 - 8. ES-3100 Containment Vessel (CV) O-rings Life Extension Testing ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 7/11/2019)
- ML24164A269 - 9. Packcrete Material Properties ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/28/2016)
- ML24164A270 - 10. Validation of SCALE6.1.3 for Criticality Safety Analyses of HEU Systems using the Workstations ENGHPC, CENGHPC, and ENGHPC02 ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 9/16/2016)
- ML24164A271 - 11. Equipment Specification "ES-3100 Packcrete Final Lot Qualification and Production Processing" ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 8/28/2019)
- ML24164A272 - 12. Equipment Specification "Packcrete Preliminary Lot Qualification" ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 6/15/2023)
- ML24164A273 - 13. Mechanical Properties of a Low Density Concrete for the new ES-2 Shipping/Storage Container Insulation, Package Mitigation Media and Neutron Absorber ([EstimatedPageCount] page(s), 4/10/1997)