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Application for amend to license NPF-63,revising TS 3/4.2.2, TS 3/4.2.3 & TS 3/4.2.5,providing clarification & reducing burden of addl license amend processing by implementing guidance in GL 88-16 & NUREG-1431,Rev 1, "Std TS W Plants."
Accession Number: ML18016B009
Date Released: Friday, August 31, 2018
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- ML18016B007 - Application for amend to license NPF-63,revising TS 3/4.2.2, TS 3/4.2.3 & TS 3/4.2.5,providing clarification & reducing burden of addl license amend processing by implementing guidance in GL 88-16 & NUREG-1431,Rev 1, "Std TS W Plants." (17 page(s), 7/9/1999)
- ML18016B010 - Proposed tech specs 3/4.2.2,3/4.2.3 & 3/4.2.5,providing clarification & reducing burden of addl license amend process by implementing guidance in GL 88-16 & NUREG-1431, Rev 1, "Std TS,W Plants." (32 page(s), 7/9/1999)