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FOIA/PA-2000-0368 - Resp 7 - Partial
Accession Number: ML011220523
Date Released: Monday, May 7, 2001
Package Contents
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- ML011200381 - FOIA/PA-2000-0368 - Resp 7 - Partial. (7 page(s), 4/27/2001)
- ML011200395 - E-Mail from C Tinkler re User Need Memo. (3 page(s), 3/22/1999)
- ML011200399 - E-Mail from T Eaton to A Ulses re Decommissioning Spent Fuel Pool Risk Study on the Web. (2 page(s), 2/16/2000)
- ML011200400 - E-Mail from R Barrett to G Hubbard re RES concurrence. (1 page(s), 1/24/2000)
- ML011200402 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to G Kelly re RES concurrence. (1 page(s), 1/23/2000)
- ML011200413 - E-Mail from T Eaton to C Boyd re RES concurrence on Decommissioning Study. (3 page(s), 1/10/2000)
- ML011200433 - Record of March 26, 1999 telephone conversattion with Diane Jackson re status of letter from Holahan to King and request for MACCS deck used by BNL for NUREG/CR-6451. (1 page(s), 3/26/1999)
- ML011200437 - Memorandum to T King from G Holahan re technical support for Spent Fuel Pool Zirconium Fire Consequence Analysis. (1 page(s), 3/26/1999)
- ML011200439 - E-Mail from R Barrett to D Jackson re consequences of spent fuel pool accidents. (1 page(s), 4/2/1999)
- ML011200450 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to C Boyd re April 5, 1999 Working Group Meeting. (1 page(s), 4/5/1999)
- ML011200452 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to G Kelly re April 8 meeting with J Schaperow to discuss the boundary conditions and assumptions used for the dose consequence portion of the Working Group Plan. (1 page(s), 4/6/1999)
- ML011200454 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group re NRC/NEI/Public April 13 meeting room change. (1 page(s), 4/9/1999)
- ML011200458 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group re response from April NEI meeting. (1 page(s), 4/14/1999)
- ML011200464 - Memorandum to C Rossi from G Holahan re technical support for Spent Fuel Pool Heatup Analysis. (1 page(s), 4/16/1999)
- ML011200469 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group re Technical Working Group Meeting #3 scheduled for April 19, 1999. (1 page(s), 4/16/2001)
- ML011200476 - E-Mail from J O'Brien to D Jackson re BNL and MACCS cases for spent fuel fire. (1 page(s), 4/19/1999)
- ML011200496 - E-Mail from J O'Brien to J Schaperow re MACCS DECKS. (2 page(s), 4/21/1999)
- ML011200509 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group re Working Group Technical Basis Outline & More. (4 page(s), 4/23/2001)
- ML011200514 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group re Working Group Meeting #4 scheduled for April 29, 1999. (1 page(s), 4/26/1999)
- ML011200524 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group re meeting action items. (1 page(s), 5/3/1999)
- ML011200542 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group re forthcoming meeting with NRC, NEI and public stakeholders. (8 page(s), 5/3/1999)
- ML011200549 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to C Boyd re forthcoming meeting with NRC, NEI and public stakeholders. (1 page(s), 5/3/1999)
- ML011200553 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group re Working Group Meeting #5 scheduled for May 5, 1999. (1 page(s), 5/4/1999)
- ML011200555 - E-Mail from J Schaperow re Tech Working Group Status Meeting. (3 page(s), 5/19/1999)
- ML011200558 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to J Schaperow re draft technical position paper. (1 page(s), 5/20/1999)
- ML011200563 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to G Kelly re input from Jim O'Brien. With enclosures. (9 page(s), 5/20/1999)
- ML011200565 - E-Mail from D Jackson to J Schaperow re spent fuel pool regulatory initiative meeting scheduled for June 7. (1 page(s), 5/26/1999)
- ML011200566 - E-Mail from J Schaperow to C Tinkler re dose consequences assessment. (8 page(s), 5/27/1999)
- ML011200569 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to C Rossi re dose consequence input from RES. (2 page(s), 5/27/1999)
- ML011200573 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group re NEI Meeting slides and the latest information regarding the June 7 meeting. (21 page(s), 6/4/1999)
- ML011210028 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group re TWG meeting on Wednesday, June 16. (1 page(s), 6/15/1999)
- ML011210033 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to J Schaperow re June 21 & 22 spent fuel pool meetings. (2 page(s), 6/21/1999)
- ML011210035 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to Working Group offering congratulations for "good job" done on the Technical Working Group draft paper. (1 page(s), 6/28/1999)
- ML011210039 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to G Holahan re forwarding Commission Paper on Decommissioning. Informs that the SECY paper on decommissioning was sent to the Commission on 06/30/99. (2 page(s), 6/30/1999)
- ML011210043 - E-Mail from J Schaperow to V Ordaz re spent fuel pool meetings on July 15 & 16 with NRC, NEI, and public stakeholders. (8 page(s), 7/6/1999)
- ML011200388 - E-Mail from V Ordaz to B Thomas re Thanks to All for support throughout the ongoing TWG effort and during the Workshop last week. (1 page(s), 7/19/1999)
- ML011200397 - Memorandum to T King from G Holahan re request for review of draft Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accidents for Decommissioning Plants. With enclosures. (4 page(s), 8/3/1999)
- ML011200408 - E-Mail from D Jackson to B Thomas re TWG Phase 3 schedule update. (8 page(s), 8/26/1999)
- ML011200415 - E-Mail from D Jackson to J Schaperow re consequences with enclosures. Enclosures include additional consequence calculations. (4 page(s), 9/7/1999)
- ML011200421 - E-Mail from G Bagchi to C Gratton re updated TWG schedule. (2 page(s), 9/29/1999)
- ML011200427 - E-Mail from D Jackson to C Gratton re updated TWG schedule. (7 page(s), 9/29/1999)
- ML011200430 - Handwriiten notes re revised consequence report. (2 page(s), 10/6/1999)
- ML011200432 - E-Mail from D Jackson to J Schaperow re status of revised consequence report. (2 page(s), 10/5/1999)
- ML011200434 - E-Mail from D Jackson to W Huffman re spent fuel pool risks. Not sure if the information can be extracted from the MACCS runs that RES did. (2 page(s), 10/12/1999)
- ML011200438 - Draft letter to J Colvin from S Collins with enclosures. Responds to August 24, 1999 letter regarding the NRRc draft study on the risk of spent fuel pool accidents at decommissioning nuclear powr plants. (7 page(s), 10/15/1999)
- ML011200441 - E-Mail from D Jackson to A Ulyses re final schedule for the issuance of the final report for the comment period and final issuance. (3 page(s), 11/24/1999)
- ML011200445 - Draft memorandum to A Thadani from S Collins re support for spent fuel pool accident risk assessment for decommissioning plants. (2 page(s), 11/24/1999)
- ML011200467 - Memorandum to F Eltawila from J Hannon re support for spent fuel pool accident risk assessment for decommissioning plants. (2 page(s), 12/3/1999)
- ML011200473 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to A Murphy re user need concurred by B Sheron on September 13, 2000. (10 page(s), 9/12/2000)
- ML011200416 - Memorandum from J Craig to G Holahan re review of draft technical study of spent fuel pool accidents for decommissioning plants. (50 page(s), 11/19/1999)
- ML011200418 - E-Mail from R Palla to J Schaperow re consequence calculation results. Provides additional information needed from the MACCS output listings. (2 page(s), 9/18/2000)
- ML011200423 - E-Mail from R Palla to J Schaperow re consequence calculations for decommissioning probabilistic risk assessment (user need). (7 page(s), 9/11/2000)
- ML011200431 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to A Murphy re user need resend. Just found out that user need was signed out on September 11, 2000 and it went to NRR mailroom on September 12, 2000. (10 page(s), 9/12/2000)
- ML011200466 - E-Mail from R Palla to J Schaperow re request for results of consequence calculations in advance of any writeup being prepared. (1 page(s), 9/6/2000)
- ML011200585 - E-Mail from R Palla to G Parry re updated writeups on SFP risk comparisons. (20 page(s), 8/31/2000)
- ML011200586 - E-Mail from R Palla to G Hubbard re brief writeup discussing the risk increases associated with EP changes and how they compare to the RG 1.174 criterion re: delta LERF. (5 page(s), 8/22/2000)
- ML011200587 - E-Mail from C Tinkler to J Schaperow re consequence calculations for decommissioning PRA. (6 page(s), 8/21/2000)
- ML011200591 - E-Mail from T Collins to C Tinkler re 3.5 cores for SFP accidents. (1 page(s), 8/21/2000)
- ML011200594 - E-Mail from R Palla to J Schaperow re updated PPG Appendix which includes additional information on the seismic risk for Surry. (12 page(s), 8/21/2000)
- ML011200595 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to D Jackson forwarding revised tables with more assumptions listed. (5 page(s), 8/21/2000)
- ML011200598 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to C Tinkler re TWG schedule. (1 page(s), 8/11/2000)
- ML011200600 - E-Mail from J Schaperow to J Flack re August 10, 2000 meeting on decommissioning risk study. (2 page(s), 8/10/2000)
- ML011200601 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to C Tinkler re goals for TWG report. (3 page(s), 8/9/2000)
- ML011200604 - E-Mail from R Barrett to G Bagchi re goals for TWG report. (1 page(s), 8/10/2000)
- ML011220175 - E-Mail from D Barss to C Tinkler re goals for TWG report. (1 page(s), 8/10/2000)
- ML011220186 - E-Mail from D Jackson to C Tinkler re goals for TWG report. Informs that the 10 hour limit was based on a calculation of the heat up of one rod from 30 C - 900 C using adiabatic conditions for the specific plant requesting exemption. (1 page(s), 8/9/2000)
- ML011220201 - E-Mail from J Staudenmeier to C Tinkler re Humboldt Bay decommissioned design basis. (1 page(s), 8/9/2000)
- ML011220203 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to C Tinkler forwarding Appendix 4B "Pool Performance Guideline." (10 page(s), 7/28/2000)
- ML011220215 - E-Mail from R Palla to J Schaperow forwarding Appendix 4B "Pool Performance Guideline." (10 page(s), 7/20/2000)
- ML011220224 - E-Mail from T Eaton to C Boyd re format for responses to spent fuel pool public comments. (18 page(s), 6/12/2000)
- ML011220232 - Note forwarding all comments on "Draft Final Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning Plants." (34 page(s), 6/7/2000)
- ML011220260 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to C Tinkler forwarding press release issued by NC-Warn on May 22, 2000 entitled "Challenge of CP&L Expansion Gets Boost From NRC's Own Advisors. (8 page(s), 5/23/2000)
- ML011220264 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to G Holahan forwarding slides to be used at the TA brief on May 4, 2000. (9 page(s), 5/2/2000)
- ML011220291 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to C Tinkler forwarding VB comments on "Draft Final Technical Study SFP Risks at Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants." (6 page(s), 4/26/2000)
- ML011220327 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to F Eltawila forwarding brief EDO on response to the ACRS letter on decommissioning risk. (3 page(s), 4/18/2000)
- ML011220344 - E-Mail from F Eltawila to S Basu, C Boyd and J Schaperow, forwarding ACRS letter to the Chairman on TWG report. (4 page(s), 4/17/2000)
- ML011220347 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to C Tinkler, D Jckson, G Parry, forwarding revised ACRS letter to the Chairman on TWG report. (2 page(s), 4/17/2000)
- ML011220354 - E-Mail trom J Schaperow to C Tinkler forwarding new calculations for ACRS comments on Decommissioning Risk Assessment Study. (2 page(s), 4/20/2000)
- ML011220361 - E-Mail from F Eltawila to J Schaperow forwarding request for Farouk to have Jason redo the last calculations he did for the Spent Fuel Pool doses assessment. (4 page(s), 4/12/2000)
- ML011220462 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to A Ulses, D Jackson and e Throm, re April 5, 2000 ACRS meeting on draft final report on decommissioning. (1 page(s), 3/28/2000)
- ML011220475 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to A Ulses forwarding a typed version of Peter James Atherton's handwritten FAX to Dick Dudley with his public comments on "Draft Final Technical Study of SFP Accident Risk at Decommissioned NPP's." (6 page(s), 4/12/2000)
- ML011220480 - E-Mail from G Hubbard to C Tinkler, Jason Schaperow and Ralph Caruso forwarding Harris filings re: relevance of Decommissioning Study. (22 page(s), 3/31/2000)
- ML011220485 - E-Mail from J Schaperow to R Palla forwarding MACCS Results vs Decay Time. (4 page(s), 9/19/2000)