Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Combined Licenses for Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Units 2 and 3: Chapters 7 through 19 (NUREG-2153, Volume 2)

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Manuscript Completed: August 2011
Date Published: September 2013

Office of New Reactors
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

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This final safety evaluation report1 (FSER) documents the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff's technical review of the combined license (COL) application submitted by South Carolina Electric and Gas Company (SCE&G or the applicant), for the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station (VCSNS) Units 2 and 3.

By letter dated March 27, 2008, the SCE&G, acting on behalf of itself and as agent for the South Carolina Public Service Authority (also referred to as Santee Cooper), submitted its application to the NRC for COLs for two AP1000 advanced passive pressurized-water reactors (PWRs) pursuant to the requirements of Sections 103 and 185(b) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 52, "Licenses, certifications and approvals for nuclear power plants," and the associated material licenses under 10 CFR Part 30, "Rules of general applicability to domestic licensing of byproduct material"; 10 CFR Part 40, "Domestic licensing of source material"; and 10 CFR Part 70, "Domestic licensing of special nuclear material." These reactors are identified as VCSNS Units 2 and 3, and will be located approximately 1 mile from the center of VCSNS Unit 1 in western Fairfield County, South Carolina.

The initial application incorporated by reference 10 CFR Part 52, Appendix D, "Design Certification Rule for the AP1000 Design," and the Westinghouse Electric Corporation's (Westinghouse's) application for amendment of the AP1000 design, as described in Revision 16 of the Design Control Document (DCD) (submitted May 26, 2010) as well as Westinghouse Technical Report (TR)-134, APP-GW-GLR-134, "AP1000 DCD Impacts to Support COLA Standardization," Revision 4, which was submitted on March 20, 2008. Subsequent to the initial application, in a letter dated June 28, 2011, SCE&G submitted Revision 5 of the application that incorporates by reference AP1000 DCD Revision 19. The results of the NRC staff's evaluation of the AP1000 DCD are documented in NUREG-1793, "Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to Certification of the AP1000 Standard Design," and its supplements.

This FSER presents the results of the staff's review of information submitted in conjunction with the COL application, except those matters resolved as part of the referenced design certification rule. In Appendix A to this FSER, the staff has identified certain license conditions and inspections, tests, analyses and acceptance criteria (ITAAC) that the staff recommends the Commission impose, should COLs be issued to the applicant. Appendix A contains those proposed ITAAC that are discussed in this SER. In addition to the ITAAC in Appendix A, the ITAAC found in the AP1000 DCD Revision 19 Tier 1 material will also be incorporated into the COLs should COLs be issued to the applicant.

On the basis of the staff's review2 of the application, as documented in this FSER, the staff recommends that the Commission find the following with respect to the safety aspects of the COL application: 1) the applicable standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act and Commission regulations have been met; 2) required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly made; 3) there is reasonable assurance that the facility will be constructed and will operate in conformity with the license, the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act, and the Commission's regulations; 4) the applicant is technically and financially qualified to engage in the activities authorized; and 5) issuance of the license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.

1 This FSER documents the NRC staff's position on all safety issues associated with the combined license application. The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) independently reviewed those aspects of the application that concern safety, as well as the advanced safety evaluation report without open items (an earlier version of this document), and provided the results of its review to the Commission in a report dated February 17, 2011. This report is included as Appendix F to this FSER.

2 An environmental review was also performed of the COL application and its evaluation and conclusions are documented in NUREG-1939, "Final Environmental Impact Statement for Combined Licenses for Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Units 2 and 3,"dated April 2011.

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