Contents Of The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Generic Letter 79-06)


                              UNITED STATES 
                          WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 

                               FEB 14 1979 

Docket No. 50-311 

     Mr. R. L. Mittl, General Manager 
     Licensing and Environment 
     Engineering and Construction Department 
     Public Service Electric and Gas Company 
     80 Park Place 
     Newark, New Jersey 07101 

     Dear Mr. Mittl: 

               Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2) 

     The Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWR and BWR 
     facilities issued in November 1978, require you to provide an Offsite 
     Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) with your proposed Technical Specifi-
     cations implementing 10 CFR 50.36a and other Federal Regulations. The 
     enclosure to this letter describes the staff's recommendations for the 
     general contents of the ODCM. The format for the ODCM is left to your 


                                        Olan D. Parr, Chief 
                                        Light Water Reactors Branch No. 3 
                                        Division of Project Management 

General Contents of 
     the ODCM 

cc w/enclosure: 
See next page 


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cc:  Richard Fryling, Jr., Esq. 
     Assistant General Counsel 
     Public Service Electric & Gas Company 
     80 Park Place 
     Newark, New Jersey 07100 

     Mark Wetterhahn, Esq. 
     Conner, Moore & Cober 
     1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 
     Suite 1050 
     Washington, D.C. 20006 

     Mr. Leif J. Norrholm 
     U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
     Region I 
     Drawer I 
     Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 

                      GENERAL CONTENTS OF THE ODCM* 

Section 1 - Set Points 

Provide the equations and methodology to be used at the station or unit for 
each alarm and trip set point on each effluent release point according to 
the Specifications and Provide the alarm and control 
location, the monitor description, location, vower source, scale, range and 
identification number, and the effluent isolation control device, its 
location, power source and identification number. If the set point value is 
variable, provide the equation to be used to predetermine the set point 
value that will assure that the Specification is met at each release point 
and the value to be used when releases are not in progress. If dilution or 
dispersion is used, describe the on-site equipment and measurement method 
used during release, the site related parameters and the set points used to 
assure that the Specification is met at each release point, including any 
administrative controls applicable at the station or unit. The fixed and 
predetermined set points should consider the radioactive effluent to have a 
radionuclide distribution represented by normal and anticipated operational 
occurrences. Other features, such as surveillance requirements and the 
calibration method, should be addressed. 

Section 2 - Liquid Effluent Concentration 

Provide the equations and methodology to be used at the station or unit for 
each liquid release point according to the Specification For 

*The format or the ODCM is left up to the licensee and may be simplified by 
tables and grid printout. Each page should be numbered and indicate the 
facility approval and effective date. 

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continuous and/or batch releases, the assumptions used for manual and 
automatic termination of releases should be provided. For batch releases, 
the calculational methods, equations and assumptions used, together with the 
pre-release and post-release analyses should be provided. Other features, 
such as surveillance requirements, sampling and analysis program, detection 
limitations and representative sampling should be addressed. 

Section 3 - Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate 

Provide the equations and methodology to be used at the station or unit for 
each gaseous release point according to Specification Consider the
various pathways, release point elevations, site related parameters and 
radionuclide contribution to the dose impact limitation. Provide the 
equations and assumptions used, stipulating the pathway, receptor location 
and receptor age. Provide the dose factors to be used for the identified 
radionuclides released. Provide the annual average dispersion values (X/Q 
and D/Q), the site specific parameters and release point elevation. Other 
features, such as surveillance requirements, sampling and analysis program, 
detection limitations and representative sampling should be addressed. 

Section 4 - Liquid Effluent Dose 

Provide the equations and methodology to be used at the station or unit for 
each liquid release point according to the dose objectives given in 
Specifications The section should describe how the dose 
contributions are to be calculated for the various pathways and release 
points, the equations and assumptions to be used, the site specific 
parameters to be 

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measured and used, the receptor location by direction and distance, and the 
method of estimating and updating cumulative doses due to liquid releases. 
The dose factors, pathway transfer factors, pathway usage factors, and 
dilution factors for the points of pathway origin, etc., should be given, as
well as receptor age group, water and food consumption rate and other 
factors assumed or measured. Provide the method of determining the dilution 
factor at the discharge during any liquid effluent release and any site 
specific parameters used in these determinations. Other features such as 
surveillance requirements, sampling and analysis program, detection 
limitations and representative sampling should be addressed. 

Section 5 - Gaseous Effluent Dose 

Provide the equations and methodology to be used at the station or unit for 
each gaseous release point according to. the dose objectives given in 
Specifications and The section should describe how the 
dose contributions are to be calculated for the various pathways and release
points, the equations and assumptions to be used, the site specific 
parameters to be measured and used, the receptor location by direction and 
distance, and the method estimating and updating cumulative doses due to 
gaseous releases, the location direction and distance to the nearest 
residence, cow, goat, meat animal, garden, etc., should be given, as well as
receptor age group, crop yield, grazing time and other factors assumed or 
measured. Provide the method of determining dispersion values (X/Q and D/Q) 
for short-tenn and long-term releases and any site specific parameters 

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and release point elevations used in these determinations. Also, provide the
criteria for determining short and long term releases. Other features such 
as surveillance requirements, sampling and analysis program, detection 
limitations and representative sampling should be addressed. 

Section 6 - Projected Doses 

For liquid and gaseous radwaste treatment systems, provide the method of 
protecting doses due to effluent releases for the normal and alternate 
pathways of treatment according to the specifications, describing the 
components and subsystems to be used. 

Section 7 - Operability of Equipment 

Provide a flow diagram(s) defining the treatment paths and the components of
the radioactive liquid, gaseous and solid waste management systems that are 
to be maintained and used, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36a, to meet Technical 
Specifications, and Subcomponents of packaged 
equipment can be identified by a list. For operating reactors whose 
construction permit applications were filed prior to January 2, 1971, the 
now diagram(s) shall be consistent with the information provided in 
conformance with Section V.B.1 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. For OL 
applications whose construction permits were filed after January 2, 1973, 
the flow diagram(s) shall be consistent with the information provided in 
Chapter 11 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) or amendments thereto.

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Section 8 - Sample Locations 

Provide a map of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring sample locations 
indicating the numbered sampling locations given in Table 3.12-1. Further 
clarification on these numbered sampling locations can be provided by a 
list, indicating the direction and distance from the center of the building 
complex of the unit or station, and may include a descriptive name for 
identification purposes. 

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021